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Lunes, Nobyembre 4, 2013

The Walking Dead S04E04 Review

The Walking Dead S04E04

Some things closed, and a lot hanging on air.

     I don't know, but I have a slightly different feeling on this episode from the others. Here, we're separated from the people back in the prison, and we're only focusing on two groups on run.

     1) Twosome to follow the run. Well, to be honest I was expecting an episode with Rick and Carol together. When in the opening I saw them, I knew this was all going down to that Carol-burning-bodies talk. Nothing more to be said, but I really think there was something (of a drama quality, I think,) lacking in the scenes where we see Rick and Carol talking about what the badass woman did. It was also good to know, that the previous group of three men and a sword-wielding gal was still alive.
     2) Ana and Sam. I thought these two will make it to the prison with Rick and Carol. What the heck happened? At first thought, we (maybe,) could use new faces in the show. These days we should expect the unexpected, and we don't care about new characters anyway. Maybe Sam was just something to show how Carol would be still useful in the prison.
     3) Daryl to Bob. Okay, is it weird of me if I liked this scene? I mean, it's too good for that scene where Bob couldn't let go of his bag that the walkers were hell-bent on getting (like they kinda knew what it was: Creepy.) then Daryl finds out he's still on his alcoholism. Grrrr, that was a pretty intense scene, and at first I thought Daryl would do something rash. Maybe?
     4) Carol gets banished. This is an option that I didn't expect Rick would take. But to say, Carol really is strong enough to handle herself out there. It's just that Rick is getting back to be the group's leader, and this sounds... ominous.
     5) Back at the Prison. I thought the foursome would be back at the Prison by this episode, but the hope vanished when I reached the fortieth minute of the episode. Wasn't this kinda slow? There wasn't any hint of any more lead characters dying next ep, BUT I really think episode five would be one hell of an episode.

Maaark: B-

     Admit it, this episode was kinda bit dull. But at least it's going somewhere. I promise you this, if the next episode won't be good as I expect it to, I give it a C. Or lower. Hihihi.