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Martes, Abril 30, 2013

The Love of Siam - Review


     I'm terribly sorry for being inactive in a couple of days. But anyway, in those days I've watched, listened, and read a lot. Just a couple of days after watching Pitch Perfect, I decided to watch The Love of Siam.
     Just before anything else, I didn't watch it because of its theme, but of the fact it had been trending in the past years. Review coming up.

Tong (Mario Maurer) and Mew (Witwisit Hiranyawongkul)

     The film lasts for about 170 minutes, about 2 hours and 50 minutes if someone is counting. Often, movies lasts about 90 minutes, but slowly, 20th century make them last for less or more than 120 minutes--2 hours. Now, what is my point here. The film is so long.
     Even if it is, even if there had been points where I actually think it was drastically slow-paced, I realized that it was actually the "little things" that make this a groundbreaking drama. Having a subplot like Tang, Tong's sister, (don't be confused,) was missing didn't interest me at first. As the story progresses, you slowly know it's like an anchor of the flow.
     To the main part--the love between Tong and Mew. Because I wasn't in the experience of liking a boy, there had been moments I can't help but laugh and raise a brow. Cheesy bromance moments? Something different, perhaps. Surprisingly, you wouldn't hint Tong likes Mew (except the fact he still keeps him as friend even though everyone else thinks Mew is a sissy,) until the second half of the movie.
      There had been times where the characters actually have less or no script at all--and being able to understand their eye languages is good enough. But I didn't. Or maybe I was a little closed-mind brat that time. And when the Tang 'deception' came, I can't help but feel bad and worry about what will happen next. Even Tong's father irritates me sometimes--you're on the brink of death but won't stop taking what's killing you. Or maybe someone can comment and tell me in a not-so-violent way why is this such. Human emotions--so complex.
     Wrapping everything up, The Love of Siam is about finding love and what matters most--what you can't have isn't always what's best. Sometimes everything is just under our noses, waiting to be discovered. *sniffs* Emotional movie, I guess.

     GRADE: B+

     Maybe I expected something I can't actually name, and I didn't see it... Well, for one thing, I wasn't asking for a gay love scene--its absence actually shines the good fact love isn't always about sexual connections and appearance only. The on-screen kiss? No comment. But a part of me was wishing it happened on Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
     And it's decided...Wait for my review of that, after I review Iron Man 3 next week! :D
     The trailer of The Love of Siam is here, if you actually considered my review.
     Disclaimer. I don't own anything but the review. Pictures go to their respective authors. :)

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