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Miyerkules, Mayo 15, 2013

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie Sneak Peek 1

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie

Episode One - Second Trial

As Jack Frost flew with the evening air, nothing more than excitement swells inside him—the Man in the Moon was calling him for an unknown reason.
                Not more than ten years have passed since the Boogeyman—who was called Pitch by the Guardians—had been dramatically defeated. His essence never died, and that loathing formed another being. Contrast to his inhuman, unattractive appearance, Dementia was beautiful and almost perfect—if she wasn’t entirely evil.
                Having destroyed almost all fairy tales to date, Dementia hasn’t still conquered Rapunzel’s story—until that one day Flynn Rider didn’t go to the tower as it was supposed to be.
                In the process, Mother Gothel returned with Rapunzel’s gift of paint made from seashells.

Jack Frost was another story. Maybe being a Guardian was too much, but he had managed everything in hand. Kids slowly recognize him, and soon he was visible to almost everyone. Even so, he had the will to stay hidden upon the request of the Man in the Moon. It was a task to be completed himself.
                Over that period after the Boogeyman’s defeat, many kids who believed in him had written stories about him. It gave him a leap of joy, and even to his surprise, he hasn’t aged a bit.
                The night when our story begins, Jack Frost sat atop the highest tree in the woods. The wind was teasing him to play as he keeps his balance. With his staff, he froze leaves and left frost on barks forming tendril-like patterns.
                Before he can chase a deer, the wind forcefully shoot up him up in the air, and in delight he screams happily. He did somersaults as he twist and avoid tall trees. When he stopped, it wasn’t because of he’s tired. Something’s coming.
When the moon was cleared of dark clouds, it shimmered and Jack felt its presence.

* * *
Read the prologue and my Disclaimer here:
The whole episode is here:

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