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Sabado, Hulyo 6, 2013

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie Sneak Peek 11

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie

Episode Eleven - Meeting the Darkness

Jack Frost was trying to resist Rapunzel.
                As much as he knew that she just needs her space, he can’t think straight. Her hatred seems to be too much. He was there to protect her and make sure her life ends well—and no evil force would try to ruin her life for a hobby.
                Every night he would sneak and watch Rapunzel from the clouds. Although he knew that she wasn’t ready to talk to him yet (and some part of him was convincing him Rapunzel’s thinking of him,) he can’t help it if Dementia would try to slither out from nowhere and jinx Rapunzel like what she did to Flynn. Oh yeah, Jack remembered—Flynn Rider was still out of his sight.
                Alright. Maybe I really don’t know everything, Jack thought as he hovers on the night sky.  Great. I just don’t know what she thinks about me right now. Or what happened to Eugene when I left him and flew away. Great.
                Why can’t a Guardian like him split bodies? As much as he wanted to, so that a part of him will be on watch of Rapunzel, another was to fetch Flynn from the thugs, the third one to track Dementia down and do whatever it takes to take her down, and the last one to guide and keep children safe and happy. It just won’t be possible.
                What have I entered? Jack thought again. I could’ve said no. I could’ve just left Rapunzel and let it be over. But I didn’t.
                He suddenly remembered the last thing he said to Rapunzel: Don’t ever think I never cared about you. It was the truth—and all the truth. All of a sudden he was unsure of how he felt about her. Her laughter makes his guts jump like crazy. When she’s near, a smile automatically forms on his lips. And now that they’re away from each other, he can’t think of a better way how to blame himself.
                When he reached the cleared area in the sky where the moon can be brightly seen, Jack stopped in mid-air. With his teary blue eyes, he seemed to talk with the Man in the Moon.
                Tell me why, he said in his mind. Tell me why you have given her to me. Why in all the Guardians and guys out there—why me?
                The Man in the Moon replied, I see nothing wrong. I even see you fit.
                But you put me here! Jack thought grumpily, his brows furrowing together. I can’t grow close to her, but you always try to put me next to her!
                Do you feel something about her?
                Suddenly, Jack felt like not telling the truth—and he was constantly wondering if the Man in the Moon also knew everything about him. Everything up to what is he thinking at the moment.
                Do Guardians like me could fall for her? Jack said back instead. Tell me.
                The moon seemed to darken a bit. You aren’t emotionless. You aren’t just a boy I claimed to serve my wondrous purposes. You aren’t just someone who is as cold as your power.
                Jack spoke with his voice. “You didn’t exactly answer my question.”
                You seem to think good for yourself. But then, I must remind you—emotions are what keeping humans the way they are. They make mistakes and get hurt.
                “Really direct answer,” Jack murmured while holding onto his staff. He was frowning at the thought of being ‘normal’ again.
                I bid you farewell and good luck.
                And just like that, the Man in the Moon fell silent again—leaving Jack utterly confused. Love? Is that what he feels right now? As he was flying down towards where Rapunzel was supposed to be, all he could ever ponder on was the thought of feeling something warm in his chest again—something he didn’t feel for hundreds of years from his cold and dark slumber under the ice.

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