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Linggo, Agosto 4, 2013

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie Sneak Peek 13

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie

Episode Thirteen - Last Frost and Fire

Jack never thought he would feel this in his whole life.
                It wasn’t the strange, warm feeling he gets in his chest whenever Rapunzel looks at him. It wasn’t the anxiousness of Rapunzel’s safety. He never thought he could experience pain in his life.
                If he ever did, just before he was the Jack Frost, he might as well be able not to remember. But the stinging feeling he can feel constantly across the deep gash on his arm was enough to think that he was vulnerable.
                And while being vulnerable is being more human, this can’t be good...
                Something inside of him was trying to convince him to enjoy the moment. Rapunzel was finally with him now—as if Dementia would attempt to attack them again—and so far, everything other than his gold-bleeding injury had been fine.
                After settling a fire, Rapunzel sat beside Jack. From the warm light, his blood seemed to seep in his sweater. The last time he could remember being near to any fire was when he and his fellow Guardians had gathered when—when Sandy vanished.
                Jack suddenly tensed and pressed a hand on his arm. Is it possible that he..?
                Rapunzel’s eyes lit with concern, as she tried to scoot and get closer to Jack. “You want to do something about it?”
                Jack looked her in the eyes. Ruining the moment would be telling her that he think he already knows what she will do. Rapunzel, in Jack’s perspective, seemed to be eager and frantic at the same time. Maybe she, in the moment, forgot what Jack told him about knowing everything about her.
                And once she’s done, Jack knew in himself he had to make some explanations.
                “Does your arm still hurt?” Rapunzel asked.
                “I guess,” Jack grimaced. He looked over to his shoulder, and rolled his sleeve until the wound Dementia brought came into sight. Rapunzel held it with a grimace, as if she’s the one feeling the pain.
                The last time Jack checked it by the torn hole of his sweater, the wound was bleeding golden blood. Now, to both of their surprise, it turned into a nasty shade of gray. As if something was seeping from his wound through his arm, Jack’s heart leaped in fear.
                A quick, vivid flashback of seeing the Sandman get pierced by dark sand made Jack cringe.
                Rapunzel had to release Jack’s arm. She was reading the expression of pain drawn in his face. “I’m sorry, did I—?”
                “No, no,” Jack said. “It’s good, it’s good, just—what are you showing me?”
                As if she’s submerged in a pool of ice, she flinched indistinctively. “Oh, yes. Alright.”
                For seconds, Jack was looking at her. She took the end of her hair—which the whole length of was zigzagged around them—and that’s when she looked at Jack.
                “I haven’t told you about this before, because—“ she looked away. “Because I was scared before. All my life I’ve never shown anyone what gift I have.”
                Jack gives her an apprehending look. “It’s okay.”
                “And the thing is...I’m not scared anymore,” she said. “Do you trust me?”
                Jack, in spite of the growing pain, smiled at her. “I trust you.”
                “Just don’t get freaked out, Mr. Frost,” Rapunzel grinned as she sets Pascal down. They sat on the fallen tree as the fire across them raged.
                Rapunzel wrapped her hair thrice around Jack’s arm. Slightly blushing, she won’t look at him in the eye. Once done, Jack closed his eyes.

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