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Linggo, Agosto 18, 2013

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie Sneak Peek 14

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie

Episode Fourteen - The Queen's Masquerade Ball

“A ball?” Rapunzel repeated. Then Jack remembered that Rapunzel wasn’t exactly the type of a teenage girl that gets out so much.
                “Oh. Okay. It’s the queen’s birthday,” Jack said. “And we need to come.”
                “Why would we need to?” Rapunzel responded gloomily. It’s not that she doesn’t want to come—she was just worried about Jack although he told her not to.
                “What do you mean? Don’t you want to go? It’ll be a fun party,” Jack told her in a convincing way. Of course he could still be convincing—he was still the charming Guardian of Fun Rapunzel knew.
                “No, not like that,” she replied. “But are you sure you’re fine?”
                Jack knelt beside the bed, and their faces were close. He took her hand. “I’ll be fine as long as I’m with you.”
                They stared at each other for a while, as if trying to remember how vivid each other’s eyes were.
                “Will you go with me?” Jack asked her again.
                “I would love to, Jack Frost,” Rapunzel murmured with a smile. “But then, are we even invited?”
                Jack chuckled—he was surprised he did. He felt weak enough not to talk for a day. “It’s the queen’s masquerade birthday party,” Jack told her. “Everyone could come. And your real parents will surely be there. We will find them.”
                Although she was not sure how they’ll do it, she remembered how much she trusts Jack now. She gave a nod, but then questions started flooding her mind again.
                “How will we find them?”
                Jack jumped to the bed and lied beside her. He was staring at the ceiling. “We will. Your parents will surely recognize you. They are your parents, after all. It’s impossible for them not to know it’s you.”
                “Do parties allow us to wear anything?” Rapunzel asked him. She felt ashamed of herself—it was no doubt she knew nothing about hanging out or socializing with other people.
                “What do you mean?”
                “I mean, look at us.” Rapunzel looked down on herself. She was still wearing the same dress she wore the night Jack took her away from the tower. She took a bath just yesterday—she was surprised at how slowly things were going—and now she’s grubby again. “I don’t really think we could even get out in these.”
                Jack, on the other hand, looked like a handsome boy who treaded away from home only in his sweater and with his staff. They were both untidy—and that is not a good way to look for the ball.
                “I feel you,” Jack said after realizing what she meant. He already felt down; how could have possibly they attend the queen’s ball looking like kids who ran away from home?
                “Shouldn’t we buy something for both of us to wear?” Rapunzel asked Jack.
                Jack sighed longingly. He never felt more powerless than ever. “If only we have money with us.”
                Rapunzel felt her heart sink.

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