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Lunes, Nobyembre 4, 2013

The Walking Dead S04E04 Review

The Walking Dead S04E04

Some things closed, and a lot hanging on air.

     I don't know, but I have a slightly different feeling on this episode from the others. Here, we're separated from the people back in the prison, and we're only focusing on two groups on run.

     1) Twosome to follow the run. Well, to be honest I was expecting an episode with Rick and Carol together. When in the opening I saw them, I knew this was all going down to that Carol-burning-bodies talk. Nothing more to be said, but I really think there was something (of a drama quality, I think,) lacking in the scenes where we see Rick and Carol talking about what the badass woman did. It was also good to know, that the previous group of three men and a sword-wielding gal was still alive.
     2) Ana and Sam. I thought these two will make it to the prison with Rick and Carol. What the heck happened? At first thought, we (maybe,) could use new faces in the show. These days we should expect the unexpected, and we don't care about new characters anyway. Maybe Sam was just something to show how Carol would be still useful in the prison.
     3) Daryl to Bob. Okay, is it weird of me if I liked this scene? I mean, it's too good for that scene where Bob couldn't let go of his bag that the walkers were hell-bent on getting (like they kinda knew what it was: Creepy.) then Daryl finds out he's still on his alcoholism. Grrrr, that was a pretty intense scene, and at first I thought Daryl would do something rash. Maybe?
     4) Carol gets banished. This is an option that I didn't expect Rick would take. But to say, Carol really is strong enough to handle herself out there. It's just that Rick is getting back to be the group's leader, and this sounds... ominous.
     5) Back at the Prison. I thought the foursome would be back at the Prison by this episode, but the hope vanished when I reached the fortieth minute of the episode. Wasn't this kinda slow? There wasn't any hint of any more lead characters dying next ep, BUT I really think episode five would be one hell of an episode.

Maaark: B-

     Admit it, this episode was kinda bit dull. But at least it's going somewhere. I promise you this, if the next episode won't be good as I expect it to, I give it a C. Or lower. Hihihi.

Lunes, Oktubre 28, 2013

The Walking Dead S04E03 Review

The Walking Dead S04E03

Third episode down, and I agree TWD is getting better.

     I don't mind anymore if this show gets more story than more gore. At least, we're getting a direction, and we're heading that way in a nice pace. That's what the past seasons didn't give us.

     1) Isolation. That's what the title is, right? And that's what I definitely saw this week. I don't know for you, but I felt bad about those Woodbury no-name extras who need to pile up with other flu-infected mates in lonely Block A. Why? Because they'll probably die of flu and not of zombie attacks. *sighs* Anyways, it's good in this episode to see all main characters in action or in dialogues. Glenn, Sasha, a few more people... Somehow I'm getting this feeling of not wanting them to die sooner or later. Please spare Glenn! Teehee.
     2) Badass Carol. You know what, I'm still not over about the changes with this woman. We knew in this episode (SPOILERS AHEAD, JUST LIKE THE SEA OF ZOMBIES IN THE EPISODE) that it was her who burned Karen and David, and to be honest I didn't peg her to have done that. The episode ended with this revelation, and I kinda liked how she said a simple Yes when Rick asked her if she was the suspect of burning bodies. About who fed the walkers with mice last ep, I am betting on Hershel. No questions. Going back, Carol almost died here, having run outside the safe (so far) fences to fix some clog in their water pipes, and right now I'm still sitting on the fence about how I felt about it--stupid and dangerous, but brave of her.
     3) Greene sisters. Very recently, we noticed how active Beth is onscreen now, and it's good. Maggie is crying for Glenn, who is unfortunately with other infected, and at the same time, dealt with Hershel. Here is his noteworthy speech: "You don't have a choice! The only thing you can choose, is what you're risking it for. I can save lives. That's reason enough to risk mine." I suddenly remembered that two-footed, less-bearded Hershel back in Season Two, who kept walkers in their barn in belief he could cure them. He's a vital comic character, and I see him useful now. Going back to his daughters, the show seriously gives them good exposure, if they want drama.
     4) Morality plays. Hershel and Carl in the woods to go berry-picking. Tyreese ranting on Rick. I can't help but think how humanity can still remain in the apocalypse. Would murdering living people alright now, as long as they're a threat? Do you really need to waste a bullet? I'm dying.
     5) The run. This last item is one of my favorite part of the episode. Zombies should never come out in any episode, and they came at the proper moment. While on the run searching for meds to cure the infected people back at the prison with, the gang Michonne, Tyreese, Bob, and Daryl encountered a choppy radio reception--something about alive and survive--and a sea of zombies blocking their way. The car's back wheels failed them, and they go escape. Ty was left hammering the zombies, and it reminded me of the comic equivalent of that, so while I believed he was still alive, he later reappeared. Oh, this one's the cliffhanger.

Maaark: B

     I'm lying here, waiting for that fourth episode seven days from now. The gang still on the run, and Rick and Carol teaming up. Interesting.

Lunes, Oktubre 21, 2013

The Walking Dead S04E02 Review

The Walking Dead S04E02

For as long as this show stays awesome, I'm doing this. Lezzgo!

     Okay, because the season's opening episode was really good, I expected this next episode to do equally good. Well, not that better than the opening, but we'll do!

     1) Nerd attacks. I can't believe I've been too excited for that walker attack to happen. About half of the reasons on why I'm die-hard excited for this week's ep is this one. Oh, I thought those kids who name the walkers outside the fence would die. *sigh* At least there are more extra people to die next week. ;)
     2) The Flu. I know this is something to be feared about, but come on! There's got to be something that had given this to Team Prison. The pigs caused it? NOOOO. I'm too much cute-struck by them for me to believe they're sick or something. One good thing about a show is that they don't--or sometimes, I prefer, never--explain too much of something. Yeah, Hershel isn't really that freaky genius to know what struck Patrick, so that's reasonable.
     3) Characters with flesh. If you're not considering this, and you just want to keep on watching the show for zombie guts, then get the heck outta here. At least, The Walking Dead is striving to be a show that isn't only about people that we don't care about live their life in an apocalyptic world. So, I just noticed that Carol, Beth, and Michonne are being given their time to shine. Carol, unlike in the comics, is getting her character development. Yeah, I didn't care about that bearded man dying, but at least, Carol was there. Teehee. I can't believe she handled those over-acting kids.
     4) I'm a baby hater. I don't know for you, but I felt this weird feeling and I wanted to cry on the part where Michonne was ranting to Beth. Aww. I really adore Scott Gimple for giving these girls a meaningful dialogues this week. And! I can't believe that I saw Michonne crying. Again. What little do I know about her background is what I want to find out in the later episodes. I really can't take that part where Michonne was, at first, grumpy about Beth giving her Judith to hold for a while, and then she gets upset. *sigh* Maybe she lost her baby before the infection.
     5) The Fence. I'm too much worried about the fence, how about you? And who do you think fed the walkers with rats? I just can't believe watching a show that gives me too good mysteries to follow! :D It's what keeps us watching, right? Anyways, I don't give a damn about anything, but the show is starting to make a new way--something that the past seasons didn't do.

Maaaark: B+

     I don't know, but, there's this certain something that I want for it to be an A. Hmm.

Lunes, Oktubre 14, 2013

The Walking Dead S04E01 Review

The Walking Dead S04E01

So let's get this started! I've been dying for this in MONTHS.

     Not that the Season 3 Finale was actually a cliffhanger, but the future of the Team Prison (I'll hold on to the name,) was the one I've been waiting for.
     Here's a few points of my review.

     1) The prison is supporting life. Yeah, that's cool, right? Although I've seen it from the trailer a month ago, Team Prison had managed to make the creepy prison a bit comfortable and human-friendly. We see Rick at the first few minutes doing farmwork. Carl had a pet pig. Hershel was...yeah, doing his farmer-skills thingy. But then, it's not really convincingly peaceful, given that walkers are hell lot from outside the fences.
     2) Relationships. Admit it or not, you're surprised by this. Karen and Tyreese. Beth and Zack. I actually thought the writers would give Beth-Carl a shot, but now I think things are appropriate. Then, Michonne. Ever since S03E12, or the bottle-episode Clear, I've started loving her character, and now it's good to see that she's actually capable of smiling. She even knew how to laugh! How lovely. Teehee. Lastly, have you noticed Daryl's fan, Patrick? No wonder he was struck by the Dixon's awesomeness, and his hand was even shook with wet fingers.
     3) The other side of Rick. I really think he's less crazy now. So, to make this review a non-spoiler, let's say Rick helped a certain somebody, and surely it gives you the chill. I had to watch the episode twice to understand that grubby woman he met.
     4) WalMart adventures! I admit it was fun. Have you seen Michonne's reaction when she saw that paper zombie standing while she was 'shopping'? I was like, HAHAHA that moment. Have you seen Glenn? It looks like he's really excited to go asdfgfdsd with Maggie and have a baby.
     5) The Falling Dead! Just as I was starting to wonder, how the hell those zombies got up WalMart? Maybe it was that they rode the helicopter that broke, or whatever. The point is, they're really surprising and unpredictable, given they're already dead and can't think anymore. Dead people count: One so far. Not gonna tell you, but for a second I thought it's going to be Daryl--yet IT IS NOT HIM. His haters, you gonna wait FOREVER to see him die in TWD.
     6) The dying woman and Knife Lessons. I don't see the sense of keeping her alive, but I also didn't see the sense of killing her. At least, this was a bit of life and drama for issues, I mean. Then, we see Carol doing storytelling. She just waited for somebody to get out, and then she gets a set of scary, large knives. I don't really see the point of keeping the rules of humanity anymore, (such as not letting kids learn things only adults should do) because since the apocalypse started, that word humanity has gone down. Sorry folks.
     7) Cliffhanger. Admit it, although the opening episode is a bit boring, what will this episode leave is what we'll hold on to until next Sunday. And the second dead kid will wreck hell to the prison. I'm thinking that a lead character would die.

Maaaark: A-

     Too much for an A+, but too harsh for a B-. Still waiting for the next ep!

Huwebes, Agosto 29, 2013

Another Cinderella Story Review


Mary (Selena Gomez) and Joey (Drew Seeley) go face to face--wait, what?

If you're not into teeny films like this, I advise you to leave this review. Eheh, but seriously, although this is not really unpredictable--that means, you won't get the idea that Selena Gomez's and Drew Seeley's characters will end up in love together--it's quite worth the watch.
     The movie premiered barely four years ago, (it would be five this September 16th, 2013) but it felt like it's been already ten years. Er, I don't know, maybe it's just me. Anyways, here's a recap of the story.
     It starts with Dominique Blatt (played by Jane Lynch) shooting her commercial ad. To be frank, this first few minutes were actually funny. One might have already noticed some cliches in here. I just loved how Selena Gomez can act so influential. Her line "Oh, how could I ever forget?" was sarcasm-studded and at the same time, wouldn't fail to make me laugh every time. Going back, Mary is actually working for Dominique and her two (well, not so ugly,) daughters Bree and Britt. Cinderella concept, first check. But the only ugh thing here is how common these damsels-in-distress plot lines, and therefore, overused. But then, I tried my best to ignore that.
     The next predictable part here is the arrival of the Prince Charming. Oh, come on--we all know it's not complete until one hot guy arrives and was destined to fall in love with our Cinderella. And oh, I forgot--I would notice how Mary Santiago wasn't like those helpless, stern-faced girls in some romance movies. Then, what I didn't expect here is how Dominique Blatt wanted to hold a duet with the pop heart throb Joey Parker (played by Drew Seeley), who was still on his 'break'. She kept on insisting he go duet with her. They du-et. Get it? :) Hey, whoa, Jane Lynch mentioned that one point. So since this part, I noticed there's something fishy about Dominique Blatt's stardom. I mean, why would she ask to 'team-up' with J.P., if she was famous enough?
     Skipping a few scenes, we arrive at the ball. In the film it's a black-and-white masquerade ball. Of course it has to be a masquerade ball. The only thing I hated about films with masked balls is how stupid characters there become. I mean, wasn't it obvious it's Mary wearing that red (that time, red was really prone to attention, since dress code is black and white) dress? Or it's Joey with that familiar black guy wearing wings? But then, what I liked most here is their Valentine Dance Tango. You'll definitely fall in love with both Mary and Joey. And like Cinderella, here strikes the clock for midnight, and what's modernized here in the movie is the substitution of the glass slipper to a Zune which, our hurriedly Cinderella will leave behind for Prince Charming to pick up and keep and ogle on.
     And like in Cinderella, Joey held some kind of 'search' for the girl he danced with at the ball. The only basis here is not whoever girl foot fits the slipper, but to who can name the four most listed songs on the Zune the mystery girl left in haste. Of course, a long queue would try and snag J.P.. The next thing that happens is Bree and Britt threatening Mary that they'll upload her private video on YouTube for the world to see. Oookay, I guess I forgot to mention that. Well, the 'Mary's Private Video' is just about a younger version of Mary that involved her dancing 'like a dork princess' and kissing Joey's picture on a magazine cover. Well, that's just their blackmail part.

"I'm the one." -- Britt (Emily Perkins)

So from the picture above, yes, that's Britt. On that scene she tried to trick Joey by sneaking inside Mary's room and into her playlist. If you'll ask, the four songs were We All Fall Down, She Wants to Move, Pon de Replay, and Hips Don't Lie. Of course, it was a relief that Joey wasn't stupid enough to just believe her and let her kiss him. Britt could never dance as good (or maybe, even dance just decently) as Mary the Mystery Girl, so instead of getting J.P., she fished herself a predicament. Later on, Bree would try to get Joey. That was one witty and humorous part again. I can't remember what exact words Bree told Joey, but it didn't fail to make me laugh, especially as how dumb she looked with her emotions swinging.
     Even though at one point Mary tried to confess and admit she's the mystery girl Joey is looking for but she's rejected, there was hope left. When the Blatt twins held their 16th birthday (now, quite curious for how long they're turning 16, since Dominique had told Mary they'll turn 16 until she tells them to stop) of course Mary's the maid and servant girl again. Joey was keeping his distance from the house, while his best friend/manager Dustin comes inside the Blatt's to find J.P.'s girl. Mary was hooked up with Joey, and just before they can get further talking, her private video is played on the widescreen TV for everyone at the party to see. Awww. </3 She's crying and devastated, but she managed to convince Joey that she's the one.
     To the important scenes. Natalia Faroush, Joey's ex (I think,) bundled up with the Blatt twins to form plans against Mary. Their first plan of giving Mary a long list of chores failed, since Joey even went on helping Mary with her chores. The next plan was quite successful--it involved Natalia setting up the three of them, her with Joey and Mary, and in the end Mary believed Natalia and Joey are going on again even though Joey and Mary team was still on the way. Er, no comment on the scene. I ain't a girl to cry.
     By the climax, Joey announced a dance contest on the first half of the film, and this is the highlight. Mary, still hurt about them two, reluctantly went with Dustin and her best friend, Tami, to the competition. Whoever wins will get the chance to dance with Joey in his next video. So the humor comes again from Dominique, who shows up on the contest. She didn't do anything, but still hoped Joey would change his mind, and they'll duet, blah blah. Skipping cliches, the performance between Joey and Mary (that actually looked like a showdown at the first part) was quite flashy and entertaining. Then, predictability goes, Mary wins the competition.
     I'll leave the little details for you guys to notice yourselves. But then, to finish this, I'll give my grade.


     To be honest, I should've given it a perfect A+, but there are still a few things that pull it down. The performance numbers are admittingly grand, yet the story is quite predictable. The humor is sure to make you giggle, but maybe the acting can improve. But hey, the soundtrack is so awesome!
     I'm out.
     [PS: I researched about this film before I gave my review, and I was shocked to find out that Gomez is 15 and Seeley is 25 while shooting this film. It's not that obvious in the film, (but one critic have noticed it) but it's really shocking to know. That's all! :D]

The photos above are not mine. 

Linggo, Agosto 18, 2013

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie Sneak Peek 14

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie

Episode Fourteen - The Queen's Masquerade Ball

“A ball?” Rapunzel repeated. Then Jack remembered that Rapunzel wasn’t exactly the type of a teenage girl that gets out so much.
                “Oh. Okay. It’s the queen’s birthday,” Jack said. “And we need to come.”
                “Why would we need to?” Rapunzel responded gloomily. It’s not that she doesn’t want to come—she was just worried about Jack although he told her not to.
                “What do you mean? Don’t you want to go? It’ll be a fun party,” Jack told her in a convincing way. Of course he could still be convincing—he was still the charming Guardian of Fun Rapunzel knew.
                “No, not like that,” she replied. “But are you sure you’re fine?”
                Jack knelt beside the bed, and their faces were close. He took her hand. “I’ll be fine as long as I’m with you.”
                They stared at each other for a while, as if trying to remember how vivid each other’s eyes were.
                “Will you go with me?” Jack asked her again.
                “I would love to, Jack Frost,” Rapunzel murmured with a smile. “But then, are we even invited?”
                Jack chuckled—he was surprised he did. He felt weak enough not to talk for a day. “It’s the queen’s masquerade birthday party,” Jack told her. “Everyone could come. And your real parents will surely be there. We will find them.”
                Although she was not sure how they’ll do it, she remembered how much she trusts Jack now. She gave a nod, but then questions started flooding her mind again.
                “How will we find them?”
                Jack jumped to the bed and lied beside her. He was staring at the ceiling. “We will. Your parents will surely recognize you. They are your parents, after all. It’s impossible for them not to know it’s you.”
                “Do parties allow us to wear anything?” Rapunzel asked him. She felt ashamed of herself—it was no doubt she knew nothing about hanging out or socializing with other people.
                “What do you mean?”
                “I mean, look at us.” Rapunzel looked down on herself. She was still wearing the same dress she wore the night Jack took her away from the tower. She took a bath just yesterday—she was surprised at how slowly things were going—and now she’s grubby again. “I don’t really think we could even get out in these.”
                Jack, on the other hand, looked like a handsome boy who treaded away from home only in his sweater and with his staff. They were both untidy—and that is not a good way to look for the ball.
                “I feel you,” Jack said after realizing what she meant. He already felt down; how could have possibly they attend the queen’s ball looking like kids who ran away from home?
                “Shouldn’t we buy something for both of us to wear?” Rapunzel asked Jack.
                Jack sighed longingly. He never felt more powerless than ever. “If only we have money with us.”
                Rapunzel felt her heart sink.

Linggo, Agosto 4, 2013

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie Sneak Peek 13

Mr. Winter Meets Ms. Blondie

Episode Thirteen - Last Frost and Fire

Jack never thought he would feel this in his whole life.
                It wasn’t the strange, warm feeling he gets in his chest whenever Rapunzel looks at him. It wasn’t the anxiousness of Rapunzel’s safety. He never thought he could experience pain in his life.
                If he ever did, just before he was the Jack Frost, he might as well be able not to remember. But the stinging feeling he can feel constantly across the deep gash on his arm was enough to think that he was vulnerable.
                And while being vulnerable is being more human, this can’t be good...
                Something inside of him was trying to convince him to enjoy the moment. Rapunzel was finally with him now—as if Dementia would attempt to attack them again—and so far, everything other than his gold-bleeding injury had been fine.
                After settling a fire, Rapunzel sat beside Jack. From the warm light, his blood seemed to seep in his sweater. The last time he could remember being near to any fire was when he and his fellow Guardians had gathered when—when Sandy vanished.
                Jack suddenly tensed and pressed a hand on his arm. Is it possible that he..?
                Rapunzel’s eyes lit with concern, as she tried to scoot and get closer to Jack. “You want to do something about it?”
                Jack looked her in the eyes. Ruining the moment would be telling her that he think he already knows what she will do. Rapunzel, in Jack’s perspective, seemed to be eager and frantic at the same time. Maybe she, in the moment, forgot what Jack told him about knowing everything about her.
                And once she’s done, Jack knew in himself he had to make some explanations.
                “Does your arm still hurt?” Rapunzel asked.
                “I guess,” Jack grimaced. He looked over to his shoulder, and rolled his sleeve until the wound Dementia brought came into sight. Rapunzel held it with a grimace, as if she’s the one feeling the pain.
                The last time Jack checked it by the torn hole of his sweater, the wound was bleeding golden blood. Now, to both of their surprise, it turned into a nasty shade of gray. As if something was seeping from his wound through his arm, Jack’s heart leaped in fear.
                A quick, vivid flashback of seeing the Sandman get pierced by dark sand made Jack cringe.
                Rapunzel had to release Jack’s arm. She was reading the expression of pain drawn in his face. “I’m sorry, did I—?”
                “No, no,” Jack said. “It’s good, it’s good, just—what are you showing me?”
                As if she’s submerged in a pool of ice, she flinched indistinctively. “Oh, yes. Alright.”
                For seconds, Jack was looking at her. She took the end of her hair—which the whole length of was zigzagged around them—and that’s when she looked at Jack.
                “I haven’t told you about this before, because—“ she looked away. “Because I was scared before. All my life I’ve never shown anyone what gift I have.”
                Jack gives her an apprehending look. “It’s okay.”
                “And the thing is...I’m not scared anymore,” she said. “Do you trust me?”
                Jack, in spite of the growing pain, smiled at her. “I trust you.”
                “Just don’t get freaked out, Mr. Frost,” Rapunzel grinned as she sets Pascal down. They sat on the fallen tree as the fire across them raged.
                Rapunzel wrapped her hair thrice around Jack’s arm. Slightly blushing, she won’t look at him in the eye. Once done, Jack closed his eyes.