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Lunes, Oktubre 14, 2013

The Walking Dead S04E01 Review

The Walking Dead S04E01

So let's get this started! I've been dying for this in MONTHS.

     Not that the Season 3 Finale was actually a cliffhanger, but the future of the Team Prison (I'll hold on to the name,) was the one I've been waiting for.
     Here's a few points of my review.

     1) The prison is supporting life. Yeah, that's cool, right? Although I've seen it from the trailer a month ago, Team Prison had managed to make the creepy prison a bit comfortable and human-friendly. We see Rick at the first few minutes doing farmwork. Carl had a pet pig. Hershel was...yeah, doing his farmer-skills thingy. But then, it's not really convincingly peaceful, given that walkers are hell lot from outside the fences.
     2) Relationships. Admit it or not, you're surprised by this. Karen and Tyreese. Beth and Zack. I actually thought the writers would give Beth-Carl a shot, but now I think things are appropriate. Then, Michonne. Ever since S03E12, or the bottle-episode Clear, I've started loving her character, and now it's good to see that she's actually capable of smiling. She even knew how to laugh! How lovely. Teehee. Lastly, have you noticed Daryl's fan, Patrick? No wonder he was struck by the Dixon's awesomeness, and his hand was even shook with wet fingers.
     3) The other side of Rick. I really think he's less crazy now. So, to make this review a non-spoiler, let's say Rick helped a certain somebody, and surely it gives you the chill. I had to watch the episode twice to understand that grubby woman he met.
     4) WalMart adventures! I admit it was fun. Have you seen Michonne's reaction when she saw that paper zombie standing while she was 'shopping'? I was like, HAHAHA that moment. Have you seen Glenn? It looks like he's really excited to go asdfgfdsd with Maggie and have a baby.
     5) The Falling Dead! Just as I was starting to wonder, how the hell those zombies got up WalMart? Maybe it was that they rode the helicopter that broke, or whatever. The point is, they're really surprising and unpredictable, given they're already dead and can't think anymore. Dead people count: One so far. Not gonna tell you, but for a second I thought it's going to be Daryl--yet IT IS NOT HIM. His haters, you gonna wait FOREVER to see him die in TWD.
     6) The dying woman and Knife Lessons. I don't see the sense of keeping her alive, but I also didn't see the sense of killing her. At least, this was a bit of life and drama for issues, I mean. Then, we see Carol doing storytelling. She just waited for somebody to get out, and then she gets a set of scary, large knives. I don't really see the point of keeping the rules of humanity anymore, (such as not letting kids learn things only adults should do) because since the apocalypse started, that word humanity has gone down. Sorry folks.
     7) Cliffhanger. Admit it, although the opening episode is a bit boring, what will this episode leave is what we'll hold on to until next Sunday. And the second dead kid will wreck hell to the prison. I'm thinking that a lead character would die.

Maaaark: A-

     Too much for an A+, but too harsh for a B-. Still waiting for the next ep!

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