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Lunes, Oktubre 21, 2013

The Walking Dead S04E02 Review

The Walking Dead S04E02

For as long as this show stays awesome, I'm doing this. Lezzgo!

     Okay, because the season's opening episode was really good, I expected this next episode to do equally good. Well, not that better than the opening, but we'll do!

     1) Nerd attacks. I can't believe I've been too excited for that walker attack to happen. About half of the reasons on why I'm die-hard excited for this week's ep is this one. Oh, I thought those kids who name the walkers outside the fence would die. *sigh* At least there are more extra people to die next week. ;)
     2) The Flu. I know this is something to be feared about, but come on! There's got to be something that had given this to Team Prison. The pigs caused it? NOOOO. I'm too much cute-struck by them for me to believe they're sick or something. One good thing about a show is that they don't--or sometimes, I prefer, never--explain too much of something. Yeah, Hershel isn't really that freaky genius to know what struck Patrick, so that's reasonable.
     3) Characters with flesh. If you're not considering this, and you just want to keep on watching the show for zombie guts, then get the heck outta here. At least, The Walking Dead is striving to be a show that isn't only about people that we don't care about live their life in an apocalyptic world. So, I just noticed that Carol, Beth, and Michonne are being given their time to shine. Carol, unlike in the comics, is getting her character development. Yeah, I didn't care about that bearded man dying, but at least, Carol was there. Teehee. I can't believe she handled those over-acting kids.
     4) I'm a baby hater. I don't know for you, but I felt this weird feeling and I wanted to cry on the part where Michonne was ranting to Beth. Aww. I really adore Scott Gimple for giving these girls a meaningful dialogues this week. And! I can't believe that I saw Michonne crying. Again. What little do I know about her background is what I want to find out in the later episodes. I really can't take that part where Michonne was, at first, grumpy about Beth giving her Judith to hold for a while, and then she gets upset. *sigh* Maybe she lost her baby before the infection.
     5) The Fence. I'm too much worried about the fence, how about you? And who do you think fed the walkers with rats? I just can't believe watching a show that gives me too good mysteries to follow! :D It's what keeps us watching, right? Anyways, I don't give a damn about anything, but the show is starting to make a new way--something that the past seasons didn't do.

Maaaark: B+

     I don't know, but, there's this certain something that I want for it to be an A. Hmm.

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