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Lunes, Oktubre 28, 2013

The Walking Dead S04E03 Review

The Walking Dead S04E03

Third episode down, and I agree TWD is getting better.

     I don't mind anymore if this show gets more story than more gore. At least, we're getting a direction, and we're heading that way in a nice pace. That's what the past seasons didn't give us.

     1) Isolation. That's what the title is, right? And that's what I definitely saw this week. I don't know for you, but I felt bad about those Woodbury no-name extras who need to pile up with other flu-infected mates in lonely Block A. Why? Because they'll probably die of flu and not of zombie attacks. *sighs* Anyways, it's good in this episode to see all main characters in action or in dialogues. Glenn, Sasha, a few more people... Somehow I'm getting this feeling of not wanting them to die sooner or later. Please spare Glenn! Teehee.
     2) Badass Carol. You know what, I'm still not over about the changes with this woman. We knew in this episode (SPOILERS AHEAD, JUST LIKE THE SEA OF ZOMBIES IN THE EPISODE) that it was her who burned Karen and David, and to be honest I didn't peg her to have done that. The episode ended with this revelation, and I kinda liked how she said a simple Yes when Rick asked her if she was the suspect of burning bodies. About who fed the walkers with mice last ep, I am betting on Hershel. No questions. Going back, Carol almost died here, having run outside the safe (so far) fences to fix some clog in their water pipes, and right now I'm still sitting on the fence about how I felt about it--stupid and dangerous, but brave of her.
     3) Greene sisters. Very recently, we noticed how active Beth is onscreen now, and it's good. Maggie is crying for Glenn, who is unfortunately with other infected, and at the same time, dealt with Hershel. Here is his noteworthy speech: "You don't have a choice! The only thing you can choose, is what you're risking it for. I can save lives. That's reason enough to risk mine." I suddenly remembered that two-footed, less-bearded Hershel back in Season Two, who kept walkers in their barn in belief he could cure them. He's a vital comic character, and I see him useful now. Going back to his daughters, the show seriously gives them good exposure, if they want drama.
     4) Morality plays. Hershel and Carl in the woods to go berry-picking. Tyreese ranting on Rick. I can't help but think how humanity can still remain in the apocalypse. Would murdering living people alright now, as long as they're a threat? Do you really need to waste a bullet? I'm dying.
     5) The run. This last item is one of my favorite part of the episode. Zombies should never come out in any episode, and they came at the proper moment. While on the run searching for meds to cure the infected people back at the prison with, the gang Michonne, Tyreese, Bob, and Daryl encountered a choppy radio reception--something about alive and survive--and a sea of zombies blocking their way. The car's back wheels failed them, and they go escape. Ty was left hammering the zombies, and it reminded me of the comic equivalent of that, so while I believed he was still alive, he later reappeared. Oh, this one's the cliffhanger.

Maaark: B

     I'm lying here, waiting for that fourth episode seven days from now. The gang still on the run, and Rick and Carol teaming up. Interesting.

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